Legal Beagle Logo


Get more leads and easy to sign up

with the power of Legal Beagle and DocuSign.

You can download mobile app or test from browser.

Connecting Clients And Attorneys

Connecting Clients And Attorneys

Connect with prospective clients actively seeking attorneys in your practice, areas, and regions.

Fully Remote

Whether you are in the office or on the go, Legal Beagle is your trusted companion anywhere, anytime. Accessible on mobile and web platforms.

Fully Remote


Effortlessly secure clients from the convenience of your home. Seamless integrations with DocuSign and Clio for automated form and case management.


Commonly asked questions

Am I guaranteed a client?
While we provide extensive support and resources to help you attract clients, we cannot guarantee client acquisition. Success depends on market conditions, your offerings, and how effectively you use our tools and engage with potential leads.
How will I be notified of new clients?
You will be notified of new clients through email and, if opted, via SMS notifications. Our system ensures you're promptly informed so you can respond to potential clients quickly.
How do I sign up as a legal professional?
To sign up, simply click on the 'Sign Up' button on our homepage and select the 'Attorney' option. Fill in the required details and submit your credentials for verification. Once approved, you'll be part of our network.
Which integrations do you support?
We support a range of integrations including popular calendar apps, messaging, video chat, Clio, DocuSign, and Practice Panther to streamline your workflow. For a complete list, please visit our 'Integrations' page.
How do documents work?
Documents can be easily uploaded, shared, and signed through our secure platform with DocuSign. We offer encrypted storage and easy-to-use tools for managing legal documents, ensuring confidentiality and accessibility.
How does it work?
Our platform connects legal professionals with clients. After signing up and creating a profile, you can receive client inquiries, manage appointments, and handle documents—all in one place. Our system simplifies client management and helps grow your practice efficiently.

Join Now:

Empower Your Practice,

Expand Your Reach

You can download mobile app or test from browser.